As the 15th century ends, the battle for Europe begins! The southeastern European frontier collapses in front of the Ottoman Turks. The heroes (Vlad the Impaler, Stephen the Great, etc.) and their legend) that held back the East have died. The aim of this project is to evaluate to what extent and how these major political events impacted physically local populations. For that purpose, we will analyze the human remains from four different cemeteries from central Transylvania, around the city of Odorheiu Secuiesc, dating from the 16-17th centuries. The workshop comprises daily intensive lectures on human anatomy (including determination of sex, age, stature and ancestry), biomechanics and pathology, bone quizzes, group discussions, laboratory work, bone restoration and analysis, leading to individual and group research projects and presentations in a conference setting.

Project Director: Dr. Jonathan Bethard, Boston School of Medicine Dates: June 5 - July 2, 2016 Location: Odorheiu Secuiesc, Harghita (Transylvania), Romania


Field school's sexual harassment policy as submitted

The Archaeological Techniques and Research Center (ArchaeoTek – Canada) is committed to providing researchers, staff, students and field participants with an environment where they may pursue their careers or studies without being sexually harassed. Sexual harassment of or by any member of the Center community is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

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